Hey there,
If you think you're alone in your struggle with networking, think again.
I've been chatting with many of you, and it turns out, we're all in the same boat.
Every time someone subscribes to my newsletter, I make it a point to ask them,
"What's your biggest networking challenge?"
A lot of people have the same struggles, so I want to address some of the most common answers.
This issue takes about 4 minutes to read…
But Before We Get Started…
Each week, I post a new podcast with tips you’ll find in the weekly newsletter and bonus stories, wisdom, and motivation. The Introverted Networker podcast is like the weekly newsletter but with additional narration and thoughts from me. Be sure to listen to this week’s podcast and check out the previous episodes of the podcast as well.
The video version of the podcast is available on my YouTube channel.
Getting Started: What’s The First Step?
One thing that's crystal clear is most people find it tough to get started on their networking journey.
I'll let you in on a little secret – nobody's born a natural networker.
Some folks might seem better at it, but it all comes down to practice.
And you know what?
Introverts, like many of us, are not at a disadvantage.
In fact, I'd say they have a unique edge because they know the importance of genuine connections.
But sometimes, the fear of the unknown holds us back.
However, there’s no way to get past this fear besides getting started.
In the very first issue of this newsletter, I talked about how to get started.
It comes down this:
Start Small. Start with Who You Know
If you're on the shy side and the idea of reaching out to strangers sends shivers down your spine, don't worry.
There are a lot of people who feel the same way.
Your friends, your family, or former colleagues can be your networking stepping stones.
Because it's less intimidating.
You're not diving into the deep end; you're just getting comfortable with having conversations with people who already know you. There is a level of trust.
Your less likely to get rejected with these people, which makes them a great place to practice your conversations.
Also, don't get bogged down by the idea that you need a complex networking strategy with endless spreadsheets, databases, and scripts.
You can start with one conversation, one person.
It's like training for a marathon – you wouldn't run 26 miles on day one, right? You’d probably start running a couple miles, or maybe even walking a few miles. Then, you’d work your way up to longer runs.
So, keep it simple. Start small.
As you have more of these conversations, you’ll get more confident and will feel better about talking to other people who you don’t know as well.
In time, these people will introduce you to new people and your network will grow.
But you have to get started.
Focusing on the easy conversations first makes it possible to improve your skills and make progress in your networking.
Don’t Know What to Say? Just Ask Questions
Now, I often hear, "I don't know what to say to people."
Well, that's where questions come in handy.
Instead of worrying about what you'll say about yourself, focus on asking them about themselves.
It's a win-win – they feel heard, and you get to steer the conversation.
If you’re looking for more details on how to do this and why it works, check out TIN #003 - What To Say In A Networking Conversation
Patience Is a Virtue
Let's talk about those messages you send out and no one seems to respond.
Patience, my friend, patience.
Did you send messages to just one or two people?
If so, they might be swamped. Sometimes people take their time to respond.
Continue to find people to connect with and keep trying. You may need to reach out to more people to start getting a response.
Also, the first few people you sent messages to could respond a few weeks later.
This has happened to me so often I’m surprised when I get an immediate response. I have come to expect people will respond when they get to it and then we’ll take the conversation from there.
If it's been a while and you're getting radio silence, it's time to reevaluate.
Are your messages too demanding?
Can you simplify your ask?
Maybe a straightforward question like, "Should I do A or B?" could do the trick.
Make sure your message makes it so easy to respond that it’s almost impossible for people NOT to respond.
No Silver Bullet, Just Practice
Here's the deal – there's no magic formula for networking.
We're dealing with unpredictable humans.
But you know what works?
Try things out, adjust, and don't hesitate to reach out if you're struggling.
That's what I'm here for, after all.
Have a fantastic week, and don't forget ABC - Always Be Connecting.